My dearest family!
Oh my goodness! This week has been all over the board! I can't believe how fast the time flew by! Well I am just going to write about some key points of my week I guess! As all ya'll saw, I did get to speak in church this Sunday. My topic was on obedience. Our ward does monthly themes. I cracked some terrible jokes at the beginning, but it was a good crowd. Now my ward thinks I am funny, or at least so I think. I felt close to passing out before, I don't know why I was so nervous. I have no idea what I want to talk on this week. We will see. One thing at a time.
We had two investigators at church! I had to use my talk for all it is worth. Lexi was able to make it! That was great. She had homecoming the night before and didn't wake up until 15 minutes before church but she still came! Also Josh came to church! The Mackrory family was having us over for dinner, so they also invited Josh to dinner! So we were able to have a lesson with Josh in their home. It was wonderful! Brother Mackrory left a powerful testimony with Josh of how the Book of Mormon changed his life. We really hope this is a turning point for Josh. The Spirit was so strong and his answers to our questions were so spot on.
I had my final interview with President Cutler on Friday. That phone call was rather shocking! There are so many missionaries going home that he had to do some early. It was a great interview. President Cutler is one of the greatest, most exemplary men I know. He really leads in the Saviors way. Some of his marriage questions did get some eye rolls and cringes out of me. Sister Rosenblum said she could hear us laughing.
I had exchanges this week with Sister Kelley and we had a really great time. We stopped at Great Harvest pumpkin bread! Oh it reminded me of home! I haven't had great harvest in years! We also saw Dawn and taught her the Plan of Salvation! It was a beautiful lesson! She also let us know her concerns and how we could help get to the point where she could be baptized and she agreed to work towards December 5th! So exciting!
Also Carlene, a deaf member in the 2nd ward gave me contact info of a deaf member in IF who is willing to help me sign! So exciting!
I am so grateful for all the love and support you have all given me. Your prayers have definitely boosted me up. Your letters and packages have brought me joy. You have given me the foundation I needed to serve this mission. This mission has been the best thing that has happened to me up to this point in my life. It doesn't end here though, life will only get better if I use the things I have learned. I wouldn't trade anything in this mission that I have experienced. I have truly felt joy as I have watched others change and as I have felt that change within my heart. I have experienced such sorrow and grief, however that burden was lifted and carried by my Savior. I have learned the redeeming and freeing power of the atonement. It is only with the help of my Savior and the relationship that I was able to create with him that I am here at this point. I will forever be grateful. I can never deny the miracles and the Spirit that guides God's work. It truly is a marvelous work and a wonder to be a part of.
I love you all so much and I can't wait to get to hug everyone of you!
I love you more than infinity and beyond!
Sister Trent