Monday, June 2, 2014

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

Dear Family!!

Our most sung song this week was probably "Oh what a beautiful morning!" It was beautiful, sunshiney and hot and humid all week! I hope you guys have been having fun travelling! It seems like quite the adventure! And now a wedding to plan for! I am so excited!!! I hope you remember me at the wedding somehow ;) We actually have listened to The Blueprint of Christ's church several times. We have a super intelligent investigator that we want to share it with if we can just pin her down :) If others thought of us as real people, most would listen to us, most would keep appointments and more would be baptized! But it is all good, we are very persistent and very good at making people regret giving us there numbers or the time of day ;)  No we really do love everyone and are just trying our best to bring them unto Christ.
Thursday we had Sister Goldwater and her companion stay the night with us so we could go to a 6 week training in Osh Kosh together. It was fun. Sister Packer is a great host and gave them our beds so we got to sleep on the floor and we had a very wonderful night full of snoring :) Then we woke up extra early and drove to Osh Kosh. It was a very good training! I got to see all the people I came out with and we all got to see how much everyone progressed. It is amazing how much you can learn in 6 weeks! I made it through a transfer! I hear it gets faster and faster with each transfer and I believe it! One of our goals is to be better at talking to everyone and our training really helped with that. We have a renewed desire to be the best missionaries we can be!
We went over to Harriet's house and she is awesome. She is teaching us how to cook and showering us with food! Wow! We did NOT go hungry this week. Except fast Sunday but that don't count!
Now for the not so great news...yay... Saturday night, things fell apart fast. We got a text from Alex's mom saying they can't go to church. 5 minutes later she asked us to get the bishop to call her. 10 minutes later we call Bishop and apparently Alex no longer wants to be baptized and wants to explore other religions. Yeah, my heart dropped. She wants to keep meeting with us but doesn't want to be pressured into baptism. So we meet with her again tomorrow and we will see how it goes. We hope it is mostly her mom because Alex has an amazing testimony! Wow! That girl is on fire! It will all work out in the end. So no investigators at church.
But! On a lighter note, missionary work is amazing and the it will never be stopped! We just keep going, this is the Lord's work and no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing! We went and visited Harriet after church again and she gave us a binder of recipes. She doesn't give those to anybody! Just her kids! Man we have a good work with her, there is a reason we were let in and have this relationship with her! So then we go to dinner with a member and it just starts POURING. Like more rain then air, it is crazy! We were like yelling so we could hear each other then BOOM!! HUGE thunder clap! You could feel it! It rained like that for a solid 5 hours and crazy lightning storm! We got drenched just running to our car! So when we got home we got in our Pjs and sat on our porch watching the storm and eating brownies and cereal :) It was romantic. Haha, we are pathetic! We have lots of fun together! Sister Packer was pretty concerned for our safety, I'm sure it wasn't the safest thing but it was amazing! Then when we went to play sports this morning we played basketball for a bit then went to see if it was raining still. It was sprinkling so we took of our shoes then ran in the rain and found this HUGE puddle and :) It was awesome! Best day EVER! I beat Sister Packer 2-0 in ummm "dunking" each other. I wouldn't say wrestling but yeah. Loads of fun. One of the Elders tried to do a slip and slide and it was hilarious. There was a belly flop. Over all it was a great laugh and a great stress reliever :) Almost peed my pants so you know it is good! Then we went inside and actually played a really good game of soaking wet basketball! I actually enjoyed myself! That is a first :)
So over all it was really good! I love being a missionary! I survived a transfer! Wahoo! I can do this! Of course only with help :) But man! We get to see people everyday that just have such an amazing faith! I wouldn't trade this for anything! I am so glad to be out here serving my Savior! This is his beautiful gospel of peace and happiness. With all the turmoil in our lives we can still be made happy through him! It is a beautiful gospel! I love it and I love my Lord, Jesus Christ!
Lots and lots of love!


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