Monday, August 18, 2014

That's not all I can do

This week was grand! There is this older woman in the ward who calls me up every time she has computer problems. It makes me quite happy to fix her computer or internet! She calls me her little miracle worker even though it is a pretty easy fix, but any chance to touch a computer right? We did lots of service this week. We helped paint, cook, garden, weed, prune, it was fun!

The desert of the week was ice cream! I think at least 5 different people fed us either popsicles or just ice cream. So of course we had to go buy some too. We found it on sale for 3 bucks and we couldn't decide which flavors and almost got four buckets but we settled on only 2 though.

We met a lot of people this week. We did a lot of tracting. It is funny those moments when you realize what you are doing. You are in some random state far from home, going door to door and talking to complete strangers. Most of them just spill out details of their life that you would never expect and we are there to tell them about a book. But it makes you think, I better make sure I bare my testimony of this book by the spirit otherwise it is for not. There are so many moments where I open my mouth and start talking, having no idea what I am going to say or even what I am saying! Yet the spirit does it's work and the next thing you know the Book is in someone else's arms. I LOVE that feeling. We met this woman who wasn't too religious and never had really heard of the BOM and when we gave it to her, she just clutched it to her chest. If only she really knew the power that book had she'd never let go of it!

Cool story. Yesterday we were up in Marshall trying to find a less active I have never been able to have a sit down lesson with and we found one of them and he said their family would be home the next day and we could come! But it went faster than we had planned for and we had about 12 minutes to kill before we had to leave for dinner. So we found a less active on the ward list who no missionary has met for at least 7 months, somehow she had fallen between the cracks. So we go to the door doing a "Hi, we are the new missionaries in the ward" approach and without hesitation she tells us to come in! She clears off a seat for us and just starts talking and she gave us her cell phone number so we could call her to come again! It was wonderful! I have never been that well received. Sadly we couldn't stay long, but she asked what member's house we were eating at and she just raved about them! So when we went to dinner we asked about the less active and told the member what had just happened and they were in shock. They couldn't believe that she happily let us in! So apparently that was a huge miracle!

Sunday Brother Sellars gave a phenomenal talk about prayer! It was so good. He talked about how the brother of Jared is the perfect example of prayer. He asked God for 3 things. Air to breathe in the boats, how the are going to steer and how they will see. God then tells him exaclty what to do. To cut holes in the boat so they can breathe. For steering God says don't worry about it, I got you covered, don't be concerned about it. Lastly for the light, figure it out. So he did. He worked hard to figure out a plan and make some molten stones. Then he went to the Lord very humbly stating how great God is. Then he said "Lord touch these stones" not could you maybe please think about it. He knew the Lord had the power to. And notice that the Lord took care of all the life threatening situations but left the non-life threatening one "unanswered" It was an opportunity for the brother of Jared to grow and exercise faith. Next followed one of the greatest examples of faith and the brother of Jared saw the Lord's finger! How great is that! I loved it! I left church with a grin on my face.

Anyways, great week. We are working really hard to find someone to baptize before general conference. It will come. We have a mission tour this week so I am excited for spiritual experiences! I love you all! Stay smiling!

Love you more than I love ice cream! (feel special!)

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