This week was great! We started off by going to the Fullmers for dinner and FHE (the cool painting guy) It was great. My mind=blown when we go there. Who knew you could learn so much about the gospel. I don't know why there isn't more excitement about the Book of Mormon. This book is legit, I am growing a very strong love for it. I am in the middle of Alma and I think everyday after personal studies I tell Sister Weaver something from what I read that I have never noticed or even heard of. It is really fun getting to know the characters as real people! They are real and have very real personalities and struggles. I love that the church is finally making great videos, but I must admit there are still only cheesy BOM ones. I made a joke to Sister Weaver, and she loved it because I am funny, that we should raise tithing to 15% so we could get some legit movies :) That'd be great! The newest one has one of the actors from Kid History in it and it is pretty hilarious to see him playing a serious role. Anyways, that isn't of importance.
We did a lot of tracting this week, found a lot of people but none who followed through. Wednesday we went to mutual and they made this delicious heart clogging dessert. It was this like s'mores lasagna. So good, so deadly. And we had a delicious fruit pizza at a members home. I now am craving fruit pizza. Dang. Maybe next week. I don't know why I talk about food so much in my emails, I just enjoy this whole getting fed thing. We always joke about when we get home we are going to be weirded out when people don't just give us free stuff :) We will have to work for it!
We had a great storm this week with hail pummeling us! Now it is raining again. Sadly Sister Weaver doesn't like playing in the rain, that is like the only downside though ;) She cares about her hair, who knew? We went and helped a member paint her bookshelves and she had a ukulele and let me play it! It brought joy to my soul. I am excited to cultivate my talents after my mission.
One time when we knocked doors this week the Jehovah's witnesses had been there like one hour earlier because there were pamphlets of theirs in every door. I may or may not have done something with them as we knocked doors :) We did knock on this man's door and we got talking, had a really good conversation and he got talking about him and his partner and their family. We were worried he'd get upset at us but turns out he has walked the Mormon trail and really appreciates the Mormons and admires what they went through. He took a Book of Mormon and said he would read it. That was pretty cool. We also had a member in the ward call us up saying there were these men cleaning the windows and she felt prompted to give one of them a Book of Mormon but she didn't have one. So we ran over gave her one and briefly saw him. Not anyone you'd expect to want a BOM. Scraggly hair, tattoos and you could just tell he had a hard life. She called us after she gave it to him and said when she handed it him he immediately gave her a huge hug and expressed his gratitude promising to read it cover to cover. Great member missionary! Go you mom too! I am impressed you brought a BOM with you on your vacation! Our ward's missionary motto is "shot on goal" even if they don't except all that matters is that you tried! I am so happy you are being a missionary too! It brings joy to my heart, our work would double if every member did that!
Oh! Something else I have been trying to do is memorizing scriptures. I remember mom always joking with Molly to memorize the BOM and it would improve your memory. It works. I memorized 3 scriptures this week (not short ones I might add ;) and it is neat that I can even do that. I have never been able to easily memorize things. It has always been a struggle, but I just feel more aware now and clear. Elder Scott has a great talk called "The Power of Scriptures" It is a great talk! D&C6:34-37 has been an amazing comfort to me this week :) I love the scriptures!
Well I hope you guys take care of yourselves! Keep on being amazing!
I love you loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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