Saturday, January 10, 2015

Layers. Lots and Lots of Layers.

Dear Family,

It was a good week, but I can't remember what happened! I do know it was good though. Thank goodness for records! So Tuesday was a crazy day. We had the Sister Training Leaders come and do a blitz with us. Sister Jardine was filling in for 2 weeks and she served in Janesville a couple months ago and came to strengthen the less active recent converts. It was great for her to come because several of them just haven't talked to missionaries since she has left and now one of them is talking to us regularly! That was the first half of our day and then when we got back to our house after the STLs left we realized we had used up all the rest of our miles for the month! We happened to choose to do that the day it started getting cold, we are so good with timing. So we walked around the rest of the night trying to find people. Randomly we decided to cross the road and as soon as we got to the other side this man came out side to take his dog out. We GQ'd it and asked if he had heard of the Book of Mormon and he had heard some not very true things about it. So we explained the map to him without drawing it and his eyes just lit up! When we asked if we could give him one he got really excited and said he would definitely read it! We are going back tomorrow night to follow up with a member! He seems so cool! His name is John. That was a total miracle! 

So Wednesday we didn't drive anywhere and walked to all our appointments. I am sure grateful for all the winter stuff I had! The hand warmers work great! I felt fine except for my face! It was good to walk around. We were pretty cold and we may or may not have stopped at members along our route to "use the bathroom" or just to feel our faces again. It was good though. We went and helped a member paint an apartment she is putting up for rent and that was fun. It is quite therapeutic to do something that requires no brain power and thinking about what to say next. Then our sweet bishop's wife came and picked up all the missionaries and we spent New Years with the Nielson clan again! It was so fun! There were so many kids! We did a count down at 8! Sister Nielson the Younger, the one with all the kids, gladly took us home to escape the chaos. We stopped by another members house and sang our made up New Years songs. 

Thursday we woke up to a beautiful New Year full of new miles! We can drive again, thank goodness! It was a great day! We saw Hope again! She is so prepared. We taught her the restoration and she said she will pray. She really wants to know the truth. We are praying she makes it to church this week. She will know if she just gets up the courage to come! Also we have had a referral for somebody named Grace for 4 months. We just could not find her. I have knocked on her door some many times, I almost didn't think she didn't exist. But Thursday she was there! She really wants to know more and we set up a return appointment for tomorrow. She was so cute, just thanking us so much for coming. We finally saw Kevin too! Oh my! That was some serious brain power teaching in ASL after a month of not using it. We did a language study that morning thank goodness! I wrote out a lesson plan based off of Elder Kelbingat's talk "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence" Then I re-wrote it looking up what words had signs and changing it so I could sign it. It was a great lesson because I felt prepared. It was hard though because I would be teaching, not knowing what else to say and I would look over at my comp but she doesn't know how to sign, but it all turned out. I should be getting an ASL Book of Mormon for him this week. He was going to come to church but we had a big storm right before church so he didn't want to brave the weather. Next week. I feel like I improved a lot in my signing by preparing that much. I don't know how I did this though, in the middle of the lesson I totally volunteered to interpret for him. I didn't even realized I said that until I got home and I had a wide eyed moment. Lets hope the spirit was the one that said that because that means I will get help. The gift of fingers ;)

I hope you guys are feeling better. That's too bad you got sick over your vacation. But that is good you did so much at Jake's! Sorry I forgot to tell you I wasn't getting transferred. So you can continue to mail me! You are good untilFebruary 18th. I have been loving this New Years time!  It is getting pretty cold though! This is the Wisconsin I heard about! I will just wear lots of clothes! 

I love you guys! I am loving the work, it just feels good to serve the Lord. I am grateful for this time! I can't believe I hit my halfway this week! Weird!

I love you more than layers I have on ;)

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