Saturday, February 14, 2015

It's a New Day!

Dear Family,

Well now! Saturday we had bishop's breakfast and we were all waiting for the transfer text. Oh man it was nerve racking and everyone there was waiting for it. The dreaded news! I am leaving Janesville! I think the hardest wait is finding out where you are going. So needless to say we rushed to the library this morning to check our emails for the transfer board. Sister Plante is training a new missionary and I am going to West Allis! Which is actually where I had my first tracting experience on my mission! I will just be busy packing! And also saying goodbye to members. I really don't want to make it a huge ordeal so we are really just going to a few people's houses and most of them invited us over to feed us so it is perfect. It is always sad to say good bye but I am curious and excited about what new things West Allis will bring. 

So Monday night was awesome! We went tracting! And we picked a really cold night to do it! Haha! We didn't come to prepared either, we didn't layer up enough. So we decided to do one more house then go somewhere else. We knock on this door and a cute old lady with her walker comes to the door and introduces herself as catholic. She was very nice though and she said we could pray with her before we went. She then noticed Sister Plante did not have gloves on and told us to come in while she got her some gloves. She comes out with these awesome bedazzled gloves with rhinestone skulls and hearts. She took them and we prayed with her and figured this meant we were supposed to go the the end of the street because we were warm again! So that night we taught 4 lessons, gave 2 Books of Mormon away and got a new investigator. It was sahweet! I love tracting! 

 Tuesday we had interviews with the mission president, that was good! He is a great man and an inspired leader. Wednesday we had exchanges with the Madison sisters. I went to Madison for the day. It was a typical day. Most people cancelled on us. It was fun though! It is always fun to see different areas. Here in Janesville they had a good day finding people.

Friday we went and saw a less active in the ward. She just loves us and she made especially for me some pumpkin bread! Oh boy was it good! I love when we get homemade stuff! Which speaking of! I got the best package ever this week! Your valentine's day package! Homemade deliciousness inside. Mmmmmmm. The cookies were so good! I ate them fast just for you! Sister Plante loved the valentine's cookie. I forgot how heavenly they were! Yummy! I loved the shirt too! I must say I look pretty fine in it! 

Sunday was great! I was really worried Kevin wouldn't come because we didn't get a chance to see him this week and invite him. But he came! It was good! And the ward is starting to show off their signing skills! They are setting up multiple translators and just taking charge which is good since I am leaving. I was really worried about him but I think he will be in good hands. I told him he need to come now and have patience and the blessings will come. I always just give him the look, "you know what you need to do and you need to do it" With the raised eyebrows! It was good. I am seeing him one last time. The ward will take good care of him.

Well I don't really have much more to write about. It was a good week and now I am seeing miracles of packing. Everything is fitting somehow. I had no space last time and I might this time. How that works I don't know. In the words of one of my favorite people, "I guess it is a God thing"

I hope you have a great week! I am sad the ward is split. I will come back to different people. Change happens! We will change together. Me in West Allis and you with the Village People! ;) 

I love you more than your homemade cookies!

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