Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead knocked on a door...

Dear Family!

This has been just an utterly fantastic week! Oh my goodness! I don't know where to begin. Probably from the beginning. But the ending is so great. It's all great! We will go with the beginning. First I was absolutely shocked and scared and just distraught about being transferred. I didn't want to move again, let alone be in a trio. Let's just say there was lots of prayer. Heavenly Father kept placing people in my path that were thrilled about Appleton and several people gave me family members to go visit. So that was a huge comfort. It was sad to say goodbye to those I love. The work really was just blossoming in Racine. We got to have dinner and meet with the Petraciks again. They are so amazing. They are a part member family but the non-member husband just blows me away. He is just an undercover Mormon. He has a greater testimony than most members do. I was glad I got to meet with them again. I hope when we do our roadtrip back here that we will come back to him being baptized. 

Packing was less fun. I managed to fit everything and not even have to wrestle with my suitcase to close it. You'll see why with the package coming your way ;) I should never get more than necessary. It is just so unnecessary. 

So on the way up, we got to ride the fun bus. Which is just a 15 passenger van. It was fun needless to say. We had a blast. My stomach was in knots I was so nervous. We arrived in Appleton and I discovered that my trio was all you could ever ask for. We have a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. I've been assigning the youth to make a joke out of it. You gotta do something with it! I mean we are literally a walking joke! One young boy told us one he already knew. I will tell it to you terribly. A cop was chasing a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. The blonde, brunette and redhead went and hid. The redhead hit behind a pile of cats and when the officer came up she said, "Meow". The officer kept going. He got to where the brunette was hiding, behind a pile of dogs. She called out, "ruff!" He kept going. The Blonde hid behind a stack of potatoes and she cried out,"potato!" We had a pretty good laugh because it was a fitting joke, seeing I am from Idaho. 

This trio though is the dream team though! It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. These sisters are amazing. Appleton is on fire! We had the most amazing week of my mission statistically speaking. It's incredible. We are three peas in a pod. Sister Rousseau is from Utah, she is the most fabulous missionary I have ever had the pleasure to work with. She has no fear and just speaks by the Spirit. She comes from a family of 12. Ideally, she would love to have 22 children of her own. Sister Adams-Hart is from California, she reminds me of Angela through and through! It is so much fun! Wow! My first companion who can relate to my nerdiness. It's wonderful! She is so kind and wonderful! Sister R. goes home at the end of this transfer and Sister A-H has been out almost 5 months. We have been having such fun together and such success. They had a baptism here last week for Cristy. She is incredible, she already has a calling as ward missionary and is bringing her friend in the gospel, Nikeisha and her daughter Bubbles. They are getting baptized next week. 
Everyday I have been in Appleton I have met someone with a connection to home. The Landeens in our stake, their daughter is here in our ward! Someone else who was companions with one of my friends from school. People who lived on Broadway. A Wheeler family who the husband and wife graduated from Skyline. The list goes on! It's fun!

Friday we got invited to go to youth conference to teach the youth how to teach. Pres. Cutler and his wife were there. After we taught they did a roleplay and had two youth get up and do a roleplay to invite somebody who was hitting on you to meet with the missionaries. It was a hoot. 

Saturday and Sunday were incredible! We were able to teach 15 lessons and hand out 6 Book of Mormons and get 5 new investigators. That usually happens in a week, not a weekend. We were able to go on splits with a member! We can get twice or even three times the amount of work done if we wanted! So crazy!

Here is the best street contacting story. We were driving to our lunch appointment and we are in the turn lane and the car in front of us isn't going. The guy gets out of his car and asks us if we can use our car to push his car. We answer with this isn't our car but we'd love to push you! So we put our hazards on and all three of us go out to push. His car won't go out of park so we can't push. We call the police and a tow truck to help him. So then we start talking to him and we explain we are missionaries and what we do. We exchange info and he and his girlfriend agree to meet. Then we decide to give him a Book of Mormon, Sister Rousseau is explaining it and writing our number down as the cop showed up and then we were good to go! It was pretty great!
It has just been a fantastic time! There is nothing I would rather do in the world! I love this work and I love those I get to work with. I love my Father in heaven and this chance He has given me! Not only that but He helps me through everyday. I don't know where I would be without my mission, nor do I want to know!
I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week! I hope Molly has Keeganne soon! That poor girl! Take care! Take pictures! Eat food!

I love you more than all the cheesecake in the world!

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