Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Another Day, Another Miracle

Dear Family!

It's a good day to be a missionary! What am I saying? It's always a good day to be a missionary! So what happened with my week? That is a good question. I have to look at my lifelines to remember. I have one less day to write you about because of memorial day. That is probably why my week felt so short. Good news! Barbara is getting baptized next Saturday! I hope President lets me go! I can give her your picture then! It is perfect for her. 
So last Tuesday after emails we went and taught David. I met him on exchanges. The Sisters surprised me because he is deaf! They didn't think to warn me to you know, prepare :) That's ok! We had a good lesson with him. President said we could teach him because he is deaf. Well we went back and he read every day AND prayed about baptism and read the Restoration pamphlet. He really wants to get baptized how Jesus did. Now I am pretty sure he understands and is super prepared. But he signs fast. And I only know gospel terms well and he doesn't. So we both know what the other doesn't. It was hard teaching, I hope we can get a real interpreter to come in and help this week. He just lit up though. He feels the love of God! Such a huge miracle! He is a precious son of God.
We played basketball with the Elders and I actually did well for once in my life. I wrote it in my journal because I am pretty sure that will never happen again. We went tracting after pday. People just really enjoyed being mean. Everyone is comfortable with the church they don't go to. They already have Jesus. But we kept going because Heavenly Father has prepared the one. Everyday he does. So we kept knocking and knocking. 10 minutes until we had to go, we knocked on Kelley's door. She was shocked because guess where she was 4 days before? At the Book of Mormon musical in Milwaukee. The missionaries were outside the theater handing out over 1,800 Book of Mormons and she really wanted one but the missionaries were busy talking to others. When she came out they were gone. What are the chances missionaries would appear on her doorstep only a few days later. No chances, it was meant to be! I thought that was neat that it had an effect out here too! We can make the good out of everything!

Wednesday we had a wonderful Zone Conference. I love those! They are so spiritually edifying! There were many testimonies from converts and how their missionaries helped them. My heart just tugged for Tina. I can't believe I was blessed enough to be a part of her life. We are going to the Celestial Kingdom together! I can't wait for her to go to the temple and experience those blessings. She is just a wonderful daughter of God. We talked a lot about the Sabbath as well. I am thankful for you and raising us to keep the Sabbath. It is one of the most overlooked things now days. I am grateful for the sabbath. 

The only bad thing about Zone Conference was how long it was. We expected to be home 2 hours before we actually did and we had a booked night. We cut our last appointment of the night short and skidattled to go find someone to give a Book of Mormon to. We had only a few precious minutes left at a quite terrible time. We had impressed in our mind a certain road that was on the way home. We drove down it, stopped to say a pray asking to be led. We looked up and decided to knock a certain house. We knocked this man steps out of his house and introduces himself as Reverend Quincy. My heart dropped because I have seen those kind of introductions go downhill fast. But we introduced the Book of Mormon and testified of it and offered him a copy. He said he was thrilled to receive a copy of it and to read it! My heart was just filled and is filled with gratitude to my Heavenly Father. He is really there. 

Friday we kind of had a similar experience. We had been busy all day with service and whatnot. We helped a couple garden, which was loads of fun! Got double fed! The Briggs took us to an Italian restaurant. It was so good! With so much food! I had lasagna. We again had only a few precious moments to go find. We went to a mormon.org bible referral. John was there and said he wanted a Bible because he felt something was missing in his life and he needed to know Christ. So of course he took a Book of Mormon too and we will be meeting him again at the church! He has so much promise!

I just have so many stories about those perfect line ups! I will just have more to tell when I get home. Last one. Last night we met a mother and a daughter. So beautiful and full of the Spirit! The daughter was consuming the Book of Mormon before we even left. I am sure you will be hearing more about them to come! So many tender mercies this week!

I discovered the Briggs had Rummikube the other night. I tried really hard to not brutally cream my opponents. I tried so hard. Oops. I can't help but win that game. 

I am so excited Tyler got ordained an Elder! Wow! That sounds so wonderful! He is a great addition to our family! I can't believe McKay is home. Everyone is going home. Kristen next week, Michael 3 weeks and Devon in a month. 
I am just so humbled to be out here. It is the most wonderful experience.  I know God is in this work, it is His. The miracles I have seen I cannot deny it. I know He loves everyone so preciously and individually. His love is deeply embedded in everything. I love Him. I cherish this time I have to gain a deeper relationship and knowledge of Him. Thank you so much for your support and prayers for me and all the other missionaries. 
I love you more than I love looking at Lake Michigan!

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