Sunday, September 21, 2014

Preparation Day on a Tuesday Throws Everything... All is Well

I have no idea what happened this week. It has been a long one! Tuesday pdays are just no good, it throws me off. All is well though! Sally gave us a ridiculously good and ridiculously easy peanut butter cookie recipe. So I ate a ton of cookies this week. We made them and gave them to a lot of people though. I think we made like 8 batches. It was fun! We street contacted this guy named Gary. It was one where he was sitting right there but it feels so impolite to interrupt someone in the middle of their smoke. Just kidding. So we go up the courage and went and opened our mouths. He had read the whole bible when he was locked up. So we gave him a Book of Mormon and got a return appointment for that night. We went back and this boy told us no one had lived in that house for a month. I love when that happens. I just hope he reads from the Book of Mormon. 

We did lots of service this week. We trimmed bushes and it was rather fun. I see why Molly enjoys cutting hair! It was fun chopping away. We got to meet the new missionaries in our district this week. I am starting to get old out here! Elder Stephens and I have been in Sun Prairie the longest now! Weird stuff. I am not the newbie. I got an awesome package this week! You guys just know me too well! I love this ward. I am already getting scared of leaving even though I am not at risk of leaving until October! 

We weeded Marie's yard for two hours in the warm sun. It felt good to be outside in the green grass. Getting your hands dirty. Sally, another lady we do service for, had us come over and unload her groceries because she just had surgery on her hand. She ended up giving us a bag of food. She said she was doing it because our moms would appreciate knowing we are out here getting taken care of! We sure are. We get way more than we deserve! She also finally read the Book of Mormon! It only took us 7 months to get her to touch that thing! She also accepted a church tour. Hearts were softened this week! 

Huge miracle! We visited a lady named Patti. She is a member referral from a year ago. They really want her to get the lessons and the last missionaries who taught her kind of dropped the ball. We have knocked on her home a million times! Monday she was there and let us right in! We couldn't stay long so we read a verse from the BOM and left her with the commitment to read 10 minutes everyday and she said she would! Well she invited us to dinner for today! Which is good and bad because we really wanted to teach her with the members and you can't exactly invite other people to dinner. Lo and behold she invited the members on her own! So that is what we have tonight. Extra prayers for tonight! This is my first time teaching a member's friend and it is nerve racking! Expect miracles! 

We followed up on several people who we gave BOMs to a couple weeks ago and they have been reading! So cool! They don't want to meet yet but still reading. 
We also did a lot of stuff this week with family history. We were able to talk to a part member family through it and we taught the 12 year olds Sunday School. We made them cookies, figures. Guess what we forgot. It was fast Sunday of course. We have ward conference next week so they moved it to this week. All was well though, we hid them in the kitchen. It is rather comical, there is a little cricket infestation in our church building. So there are crickets in the chapel now and you can totally hear them chirping! Not the best background noise for a meeting! We were a little early to a meeting at the church so Sister Weaver was crawling under the pews catching crickets and throwing them outside. It was funny. 

So overall a great week! Chuck full of miracles! The Lord is on our side. I still don't like working on holidays though. It makes me to nervous after losing our teaching pool over the fourth. But we are still intact. I am gaining such a testimony of the Book of Mormon! That is what it all relies on. Whether it is true. There is no way it couldn't be, it is a great reminder of me to keep going. It's purpose is to convince others of Christ. It brings us close to him then any other book. We can know of a surety of his love through this amazing book. I love the opportunity I have to read and study from it every day. Just beautiful! 

I love you all! Thank you for all your love and support!

I love you more than all the weeds in the world!

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