Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Dear Family,

It was a crazy week! A long one! I think the longest one in a while. Let me just tell you, it was crazy packing. All my stuff was in West Allis but we lived in Muskego which made it pretty difficult. But I did it! I don't know how my suit cases were so heavy, it's probably all the books. It was unreal. Everything fit just fine it was just crazy heavy. It was fun though. Thankful Racine is in our stake so I didn't have to travel far and worry about riding the mission bus. So some of these you heard yesterday but I am going to tell you again, you might need it as a reminder ;) So we live with a member. They have housed the Sisters for the past 5 years. So very long term. I was kind of nervous to live in a member's home but it is actually the best. You have a home and a family you live with. A dishwasher and a laundry machine. Lots of dishes. Toliet paper. I am living the life. I will send pics as soon as I get organized! My comp is Sister Casas. She has been out 3 months so it is weird being so much "older". Granted she is older than me. She is 23 I believe. She was baptized 3 years ago. She is super awesome. I wish I was that fearless at 3 months. She has had a crazy life, but she has come out on top. 

We have one investigator named Tessa, she has been investigating for the past 10 months. We set a baptismal date with her this week, I hope that goes well. She has potential she just needs to act. I also told you about Tim who thinks the tree of life represents cannabis... That was great. And a first. Racine can have interesting people. It really is a good place though. We are going to spend a lot of time knocking doors this week! That always brings good stories! 

I do have a funny story. One of our investigators has a son (15?) and he came in to shake our hands and introduce himself. He left and came back and asked if he could ask us something. Of course we say yes. He then proceeds to ask, " Why are Mormons so pretty?" It was quite funny and awkward. We get to work with quite a few people from Spanish branch too so I spent a lot of time in Spanish home where I don't know what is going on. 

Great, I feel like I am all out of stories. Besides me killing a cat...I am not looking forward to getting our car fixed from that. We probably won't have it for several weeks. Lots of walking ahead of us. I was super excited to skype you! I can't believe that is the last time. I think that was the hardest part about saying goodbye. It's my last one. It was so good to talk to you though! I was just crying so hard because I am emotional, not that anything is up. It was just the timing of it being right next to transfers, its an emotional time. 

It is great being a missionary, again thank you so much for all you have done to get me out here. I couldn't have done it without you! I really love this work and love where it is taking my life. A whole different direction than anything I could have done on my own! I never would trade it! I am sorry this letter is short. My brain is short. I can't think of anything else that happened that is notable. I just love you a ton!

I love you more than I love technology!

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