Monday, July 14, 2014

You know what Napolean, you can leave

That is in honor of Sister Packer leaving :) Haha! She leaves tomorrow and I am so nervous! I get a new companion, Sister Weaver. She looks pretty adorable, and pretty small. This is what you get for making fun of me being short! I am excited though! I have only heard good things about her. It was pretty sad on Sunday because Sister Packer has been her for 6 months and she was just bawling saying goodbye to everyone. We were joking after that she cried 2 gallons of tears. And I was just like an awkward guy not knowing what to do to help her!

To start off I don't know what happened this week. Our numbers were down the hole so not too much to tell in that area. Everyone disappeared so lots of knocked doors with empty houses and no appointments. So yeah, just to get that out of the way!

But we had a good zone training this Tuesday. Most of my district had some problems with the presentation of it, but whatever. We talked about what it takes to be a consecrated missionary and sanctifying yourselves. I finally feel like I am grasping what giving our will to God means. They paraphrased the talk of "The Fourth Missionary" and it just made so much sense. We have all these commandments that we do that give back to God in a sense. Like tithing, we give 10% back of what he already gave us. It was already his. Taking care of our bodies, which were a gift from him, already his. But the only thing we can give to God that he didn't already have is our will in our mind. It is the ultimate gift and it is how he can ultimately help us to learn and to grow! So cool! I can't explain it as well as they did but it was a total light bulb moment for us. Then as a zone we committed to do a 40 day fast. So I am starving! Jk :) That'd be cool though. It is a fast from those things that keep our will from God's or that keep us from growing closer to Him. So we fasted from food for a day and made a list of things we were going to fast from for 40 days. Pretty cool eh? I thought so.

Oh by the way. Awesome family history stuff you sent me! That was a freaking gold mine! Did you know 2 of our relatives personally knew Joseph Smith?!? I was freaking out! And Joseph saw their posterity! Which is us! Say what!? Yeah I shared that with the Brother and Sister Stoll. They thought that was really neat, so did I. I kind of freak out every time I think about how awesome that is! The Stolls took us to this restaurant called Buck & Honey's. Oh boy, talk about fanciest restaurant I have ever been to. I had Chicken Chipotle Pasta. It. was. divine. My taste buds have never experienced that much pleasure before. It was like a symphony of flavors. So good, I probably am going to dream about that the rest of my life. Then they started asking what my hobbies were and I said music. They knew both of us played piano so they freaked out and asked if we could play for them. We have keys to the church so we figured why not. And we played for them a couple pieces. Sister Packer and I did a duet for Zone Conference a while back so we played that, sight read and did a couple others. It wasn't all that amazing but they loved it. They won't stop talking about it. For days afterwards too, they said it is the best worship service they have ever been to. So we had another light bulb moment. We can use this as a finding tool! Getting people into the chapel and then slamming them with the spirit! So we brought it up to our ward mission leader and he loves it! So he took it to ward council and they loved it! So they said make a plan and they will listen and approve it! Sadly Sister Packer is leaving but we are going to plan out an awesome recital thing! We already have some great ideas! We are thinking kind of do they first lesson but in form of music. So start with songs about how much Heavenly Father loves us (I am a child of God, My Heavenly Father loves me) Then prophets (We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet) songs about Christ and what he did. First vision and so on. Kind of do a music and the spoken word. I am excited! Hopefully I will be here when it happens.

This week is going to be fun! We get super fed tomorrow! 3 meals! New companion! Maybe driving! I don't know. We will see what tomorrow brings! Wahoo! I love being a missionary! This is a great work and I am so happy to be part of it! I don't know if I told you guys but our mission president gave us a great challenge that was so inspired. Everyone in the mission is going to pray everyday that every area can baptize before October general conference. So cool! So that means every companionship! 124 baptisms! I am excited and ready to work hard!

I love you all! Have a fantastic week! Keep smiling!

Sister Trent

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