Monday, May 5, 2014

The Bubbly

Dear wonderful family! 

Packages get here in 2 days! I got the one you sent on Monday on Wednesday. The other one was an awesome surprise! Me and Sister Packer came home and we each had received a surprise package and it was AWESOME! I loved it! We have a mail box with a key inside the apartment building (which you have to have a key to get in the building) then if the package is to big they put it by your door in the building. All 2 of our neighbors are nice so I don't worry about it :)
Now for the important questions! Mothers day! Heck yes we get to Skype! The family we are going to is awesome! Their Skype name is "andischri" So our time will be at 6:45 my time. So I don't know your time, you figure it out :) So you have a week to get ready and figure out skype :)  She is very passionate about the mom getting to see their kid :) Haha! 

By the way sorry for the confusion about Katt! We ate dinner with her last night and that is when she sent those pics. Then she called us while we were getting ready for bed super confused why my family thought they knew her :) It is all good though!

Mom! Women's conference sounded amazing! That is like a LOT of what we learn out here being a missionary! I read the TED talks thing to my comp and we had a good giggle because that is what we do everyday! So we are pretty good at staying positive! It is hard not to be! I LOVE being a missionary! There is no greater calling! The power that comes with it is so humbling and so amazing! I can hardly stand it! Just an overload of blessings and tender mercies each day! 

So Monday was awesome! We go do laundry and study our scriptures and there is an amazing bakery right next to it where we buy our bread and breakfast from! The bread is delicious! Homemade (basically) wheat bread and today I got Jalapeno cheese bread as well. It is a decent price too! If you get it a day old its only a dollar! Then of course we get to come down and write letters and wow! Mail is just the best feeling in the world! Especially when it comes in the mailbox ;) I don't know if I hint enough or anything... But last week after pday something fell through and we didn't have anything to do so we prayed really hard and we get a text message from the ward mission leader asking us if we had visited a ward member recently. So we got really excited and ran over there. It turns out she was doing great and she shared an amazing testimony with us about her conversion and what her missionaries did right. Then I had a prompting to ask her to teach a lesson with us sometime and it was honestly one of the first times I could honestly say I have wrestled with the spirit! We didn't have anyone to teach so why ask her? But I finally felt like my head would explode so I did! And now we have quite a few new and potential investigators so we just have to figure out who she is meant to teach! But super cool experience! And we were so blessed to have our time filled! 

Then Tuesday was just so flipping awesome! To start of we had a solid week of just clouds and rain! We did not see the sun for a solid week! This Saturday was the first time since last Friday! And it poured a ton! So on Tuesday we tracted for 3 hours in the rain! And I just loved it! Most people don't give you too much time, but when you think about all the cards, pictures of Christ and most importantly the Book of Mormons you get into all these homes, it is such a miracle! We try to give something to every person we come in contact with. We knocked on this one ladies door and she gave us the same answer everyone does "I have my own religion" but we kept talking and introduced the book of mormon and then she started asking us about our church and if we have classes and what not. She said she was starting to become unhappy with her church (ahhh! perfect!) We talked about Relief Society and she let us in! That is right! Take that one to the bank! She let us in because we talked about Relief Society! We had a good short lesson with her and hopefully she'll let us back someday. Then we tracted quite a while with not as much success. 3 hours of tracting we got pretty tired and a little frustrated so we prayed really hard for just one more person to be interested. Just one more! Next door we knocked on she let us talk to her! It is so funny, you can tell when someone is interested in the Book of Mormon because when you testify how it has helped in your life they just start eyeing it :) She started to and even asked where she could get one! So we of course handed one over and she asked for a passage to read! It was like Hallelujah! Granted when we came back for an appointment she dogged, but she is in the books now :) 

Wednesday we got to help sweet Marie. I don't know if I told you about her. Cat lady. She doesn't like chemicals so we clean her house with vinegar! That is exciting! Haha! We planned to finally teach her the restoration but it just didn't feel right at the time (she has super low attention!) and read a passage from the Book of Mormon. She totally felt the spirit and she just starting crying! It was awesome, in a good way of course :) Then we taught our Muslim investigator and that was interesting. We are figuring out we are just a class for her. That is all. I don't think she is really interested. All she does is compare doctrine. But who knows, maybe she will have someone ask her about our church and she will have something good to say :) That is what we are here for. To plant good seeds! Funny thing though! I walk into her house and the couch legs are all cut off! So the couches are like 7 inches off the floor! That was fun with a skirt!

Thursday we got to do our weekly planning! Yay....Haha it is good and all but sometimes it takes forever! At least we got it all done that day! We taught a 12 year old recent convert about fasting so we could fast about her friend who wants to get baptized. The lesson started off rather terribly, she is so hyper! And she just didn't get why giving up food for a day would be good. Then thankfully the spirit came to the rescue and it turned out to be a really good lesson! We then found like the golden hour for tracting! Every single person answered their door! And most were really pleasant! We got several short lessons in and it was amazing! Then again the last house we go to the guy was just so open! He was perfectly fine with learning more! So we have him as a new investigator! We are going back in a few days! He was so funny! I am so excited! 

Then blessed, blessed Friday! Oh my goodness! We finally got to teach Wendy who we found last week and it was so good! She is so prepared! We are praying so hard for her! She needs this so bad! She had a really hard marriage that she just got out of and she feels so much shame for that, she just wanted a family! Then, awesome stuff, she just quit drinking and is currently trying to stop smoking! Say Whaaaaaa!? Already working on the Word of Wisdom! What is this! She knew she was supposed to let us in! Holy cow! Such a miracle! I LOVE being a missionary!! I can't even! You get to see God's hand in every single thing you do! 

Then Saturday was just a day chuck full of service and trying to contact. We are working on speaking to everyone we see which was good because one Sunday we saw this girl out on a walk and we go stalk her and talk to her. Then we get talking about the book of mormon and you could tell she just wanted one so bad! She was just eyeing it and then asked if we had an extra one for her :) Best feeling in the world! So new investigator there! Church was really good to! Testimony meeting was beautiful! Members here are so inspirational! They are all so different! So many Converts, part-member families, single families, you name it!

Funny thing that I didn't believe Sister Packer about! There is this really cute neighborhood just full of adorable apartments, it looks pretty nice. Sister Packer told me when I first got here that that was the "hood" I just laughed. Then we went tracting there a little bit and she was totally right! It sounds and looks ridiculous but it so is! It's so funny! I'll have to send a picture! You would never guess, and you probably still wouldn't believe me :) 

I'm loving it here! I love being a missionary! I just love serving the Lord! BTW Nacho Libre is like half the words that come from our mouths! You don't realize how many movies you quote until you have no movies and it is all you have left ;) Good thing my comp like it! It seems like everynight this week, late at night (for me that means after nine :) I just get so ridiculous. Like silly delirious tired haha! But! That is when I get all my inspiration! 

So many "late night" epiphanies! So my most recent one is Moroni 7:16 I love this scripute and I have used it a ton, but I only just realized what it means. So something confusing here is so many people are religious and claim to know God! It was really confusing to me because I was like how can they have these confirmations and whatnot? Then I realized that I knew the answer the whole time! Every man has the light of Christ! So if they do something good they can have the confirmation from God that it is of him! God is good! I thought that was so neat! I just love the BOM! It can literally answer EVERY singel question! Us missionaries ain't lying about it! It is true! I just love it so much!

I hope you have a great week! I can't wait to talk to you! If you get bored send me something! Anything ;) Haha!

Lots of love!
Sister Trent!

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