Monday, May 12, 2014

This Kid!

Dear Madre and Padre,
I love it here. It has like an Idaho homely feel but with a Utah vibe. It's nice out here. Mom, you would LOVE the houses here! They have like a fun cottage style to them. The front porches with chairs and shutters on the window that match the door. Today is like the first day above 55. It's been too cold for flowers so hopefully those will start coming out!

Alma 7:11-13 is a wonderful scripture that greatly expresses Christ's sacrifice for us. The word succor means "to run to". So Cool. Christ is great. I love Jesus. God is good! Haha! I think I tell my comp that everyday :). I love this work, there is nothing better.

My Missionary Commission
"I am called of God. My authority is above that of the kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my master and He has chosen me to represent him, to stand in His place. To say and do what He Himself would say and do if He were personally ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me. My voice, and my acts are His acts; my words are His words and my doctrine His doctrine. My commission is to do what He wants done. To say what He wants said. To be a living modern witness in word and deed - of the divinity of His great and Marvelous latter-day work. HOW GREAT IS MY CALLING?"
-Elder Bruce R McConkie

We recite this every day and it keeps my eye on the work! This is real! I know that that statement is true and I can feel it! This is why I love missionary work. 3 Nephi 27:14 is Christ's mission. I'm here to help all men know of Him. Even though we don't get in a lot of houses, I know and I can see we touched the person we speak to! You can see it in their eyes. They are bothered at first then you testify of the truthfulness of Christ and leave with a powerful prayer and you can see it in their eyes! The Spirit speaks to them. I just love it!

I love you!

Oh my goodness! Coolest thing just happened!! So glad it is still P-day so I can write this! We were tracting as usual, and we see this guy just staring at us in his truck. We get to that house then just awkwardly go to the door. He then runs out of his truck and says he lives there. So we do the missionary introduction and ask about his faith in Jesus Christ. It's this 16 year old kid, Sophomore in High School, and he actually answers how Christ helps him! No one can give a solid answer to that it seems. He then says, "I know this is weird, but I pray all the time. I just feel so good when I do." We were so impressed! This guy prays morning and night and everywhere in between. He's very strong Lutheran and LOVES the Bible! He started quoting scripture and everything! Come to find out he reads the Bible day and night and sometimes during dinner! Like where did this kid come from?! He mentioned one of his friends is Mormon and then ASKS US if he could learn more about our faith! Whaaaaa?? So we whip out the Book of Mormon and I read him one of ,my favorite scriptures and he was just in awe! THEN! HE asks for a Book of Mormon! Heck yes! We testify and he is just LOVING IT. He then COMMITS HIMSELF to read the BOOK! And he just starts thanking us profusely! We gave him our number if he has any questions and he ran in the house to get us something. He then comes out with a $20 bill and tries to pay us! He said "It means so much to me that you would donate your time to come out here. I just want to donate a little something back." We were just speechless! We didn't take it of course, but wow! Such an amazing Young Man. He is going to be a missionary someday, he's going to be a bishop, a stake president! Like, what in the world! 16 year old kid, AMAZING testimony! Wow! Prays always, diligently studies the Bible. He came up to us. He asked us to learn more. He asked us if he could have a B o fM. He tried to pay us. He thanked us so profusely! At least 20 times I kid you not. This kid was just in awe! And I was in awe with this kid. Now that's a story to tell. Wow! We were just in shock after. He'd been working on his truck when we came and when we drove by after he was sitting in his truck reading the Book of Mormon. Wow! Wow! This kid! Why do I even call him a kid?! He's gonna eat that thing up. He is going to love Nephi and the stories in there. And he knows what the Spirit feels like, and we read Moroni's promise. He will know it's true! Ahh! I just love being a missionary! Have you ever heard of such a thing!?


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